YouTube Playlist Bot

Manage Your YouTube Playlists Effortlessly in Telegram

Propose, vote, and organize YouTube videos seamlessly within your Telegram groups.

Get Started Learn More


Feature 1

Video Proposals

Submit YouTube videos to be added to your group’s playlist with ease.

Feature 2

Voting Mechanism

Let your community vote for or against proposed videos to curate quality content.

Feature 3

AI-Powered Recommendations

Receive intelligent suggestions for similar genres or channels based on your content.


Total Proposals


Votes For


Votes Against


Approved Proposals


How It Works

Step 1

Propose Videos

Use the /propose command to submit your favorite YouTube videos to the group playlist.

Step 2


Group members vote for or against each proposal to curate the best content.

Step 3

Manage Playlist

Approved videos are automatically added to the shared YouTube playlist.



  • /start - Initialize the bot and receive a welcome message.
  • /propose <YouTube_URL> - Propose a new video to the playlist.
  • /stats - View detailed statistics about the playlist and user activities.
  • /help - Get a list of available commands and their descriptions.

Setup Guide

Follow the [README]( for detailed setup instructions.

What Users Say

User 1

"This bot has transformed how our group manages YouTube playlists. Highly recommended!"

— Alice
User 2

"The voting system ensures that only the best content makes it to our playlist. Great job!"

— Bob
User 3

"AI-powered recommendations are a game-changer. It feels like the bot truly understands our preferences."

— Charlie

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